Quick Rules
4 players | 1 volleyball | 1 board
A maximum of 2 teams play at once and each team consists of 2 players
Point System
• Games are played to 21 points
• “Win by 2” will always be in effect
• Every play will result in a point
• There are no bonus points/double points for any type of play

Quick Rules
4 players | 1 volleyball | 1 board
A maximum of 2 teams play at once and each team consists of 2 players
Point System
• Games are played to 21 points
• “Win by 2” will always be in effect
• Every play will result in a point
• There are no bonus points/double points for any type of play
Black Ball
If the ball hits the black surface during a rally, it's a “black ball,” and possession changes to the other team. If it hits your teammate after a black ball, it's interference, and your team loses the point.
Red Ball
If the ball hits the red edge during a rally, it's a “red ball,” resetting the number of touches for the hitting team, which gets three more touches to return the ball. Possession does not change unless there's an “unclear red ball” scenario. The ball must clearly redirect after hitting the red edge to count as a red ball. There are three red ball scenarios:
• Clean Red Ball: The ball redirects clearly and is playable by the hitting team. The rally continues.
• Dead Red Ball: The ball redirects but is unplayable by the hitting team, ending the rally and causing the hitting team to lose the point.
• Unclear Red Ball: It's unclear if the ball redirected. If the defending team plays it, the rally continues. Otherwise, the point can be replayed.
In a dispute, the ball is re-served by the last server.

Service & Rally
Clean Serve
To serve, you must stand a distance of at least 6ft away from the board.
Bounce the ball onto the black surface of the board, to the player diagonal from you.
Winners serve. Switch positions with your partner after every successful point.
Fault Serve
If your serve hits the “red” edge, it is considered a “fault”, which means you get one more chance to hit the ball onto the black surface (like one fault in tennis).
If you miss the board completely, this is considered a missed serve or an “air ball” and you do not get a second serve.
Off a Serve
Off a serve, you must pass to your partner before bouncing the ball back to the opposing team.
Once a ball has been returned from a serve, you can hit the ball back on the first touch.
3 Touches
You get a maximum of 3 collective touches before the ball must be bounced back onto the black part of the board to the opposing team (see “black ball” below).
Do's and Don'ts
• You can move 360 degrees around the board to make a play.
• You can use any part of your body so long as it is a clean play and you do not lift the ball.
• If playing indoors, you can bounce the ball off the walls to your partner, but not back to yourself.
• Don't double touch the ball.
• Don't lift the ball.
• Don't interfere when the other team is returning the ball.
• Don't touch the board at any point. If you touch the board, you lose the point.